Am I slow to catch on to really cool things? Absolutely. But in this case, that doesn't matter. Yesterday I saw the "Dear Sister" skit from SNL, for the first time, and like usual when I see an awesome video on youtube, I had to show everyone I know. Having not seen my girlfriend for two days (had to go out of town to a corporate conference. Not nearly as bad as it sounds. Kinda dope actually) naturally the first thing I did when I I saw her was make her watch this video. She laughed, hysterically, but was unwilling to view it a second time, immediately following the first. When I saw my roommate (my mom. I know, its' pretty cool huh?) again, I insisted that she watch it. She hated it. "People getting shot isn't funny!". Uhh, when murder is done tastefully, yes it is. I sent it to my managing broker, and he loved it. So after showing 3 generations, I had the thought, "why do I think this is funny?" I think that being raised in a time with GTA, Halo, gory movies, and in general, violence, has allowed my generation to detach ourselves from situations. Whereas my mom no doubt grew up in a much different time, it makes sense that she cannot find that amusing. She also misses the point on everything. I love absolutely ridiculous situations, that are uncalled for and unrealistic. Well I have to take off now (driving to Boulder), and if anyone actually read this far, I am sorry. This has been some of the worst writing I have ever done in my life.