Search Denver Homes

Not sure why I haven't posted about this before. I am sure that if you are reading this you either like music or real estate, or both?!?! If are tired of out of date information that you are seeing on Zillow, Trulia and the like, search all of the listings in the Denver MLS by clicking HERE.

Books on Torrent

So it didn't dawn on me until yesterday when my girlfriend let me borrow the copy of What the Dog Saw on CD that she picked up from the library, that I needed a change from my daily routine of switching and back and forth between NPR and 104.3. It can be boring, full of ads and most importantly, they call the shots. I asked Aly if she would lend me the CDs to put into my iTunes. Immediately burnt my own copy of the book and threw the set of 10 CDs into the Stealth. Being someone that spends a huge chunk of my day in my car, this is perfect. I have found myself in only the first day of the new system taking the long way to places and sitting in my car for a minute or two after I get there to reach a good stopping point. So I got the idea of looking for torrents of books. I have downloaded more torrents and rars than I care to admit (it's more that I don't want to count). Sure enough, the first book that I looked for (Outliers, also by Gladwell) was on TPB. Success! Would I rather read the books? Yes. Not only does move more quickly, the characters have the voices you give them. However, this is turning out to be a pretty great alternative. So, my advice... get some books on torrent.